In a previous post CryptedHelloWorld: App with encrypted mach-o sections, I created a simple macOS app CryptedHelloWorld with its (__TEXT, __text) section encrypted. The section is decrypted by a constructor function.

This post explains how to dump the decrypted app. A common way is to attach the app with a debugger (GDB, LLDB) and manually dump the decrypted memory to disk.

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However I will use a different solution by using 2 techniques already presented in previous posts: a destructor function and code injection.

The targeted app is the precompiled CryptedHelloWorld command line tool that can be downloaded here.

This command line tool has its (__TEXT, __text) section encrypted. Once its main() function is called, we know that the section is decrypted. Thus we can create a destructor function - which is called just before the app is quit - to dump the decrypted memory to disk. This destructor function will be injected into the app using the DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES environment variable.

The destructor function needs to read the executable from disk, dump the decrypted (__TEXT, __text) section and replace the encrypted bytes by the decrypted bytes.

Code injection

I already described how to inject code using DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES in this post. We will use the exact same technique by building a dynamic library like this:

gcc -o DumpBinary.dylib -dynamiclib DumpBinary.c

and then run it using the DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES environment variable:

DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=./DumpBinary.dylib ./CryptedHelloWorld

Destructor function

Creating a destructor function has been described in this post. Such a function will be called just before the app quits:

void __attribute__((destructor)) DumpBinaryDestructor()
     // Executed just before the app quits

Finding the targeted app mach-o header

The first problem to solve is to find the mach-o header of the targeted app. This is easily done using the dyld function _dyld_get_image_header and searching for the first image of type MH_EXECUTE:

// Find the main executable
const struct mach_header_64 *machHeader = NULL;
for(uint32_t imageIndex = 0 ; imageIndex < _dyld_image_count() ; imageIndex++)
    const struct mach_header_64 *mH = (const struct mach_header_64 *)_dyld_get_image_header(imageIndex);
    if (mH->filetype == MH_EXECUTE)
        const char* imageName = _dyld_get_image_name(imageIndex);
        fprintf(stderr, "Found main executable '%s'\n", imageName);
        machHeader = mH;

Finding the executable path on disk

The dynamic library will need to read the app binary from disk: it needs the executable path. This is done using the dyld function _NSGetExecutablePath which copies the path of the main executable into a buffer:

// Get the real executable path
char executablePath[PATH_MAX];
_NSGetExecutablePath() copies the path of the main executable into the
 buffer buf.  The bufsize parameter should initially be the size of the
 buffer.  This function returns 0 if the path was successfully copied, and
 * bufsize is left unchanged.  It returns -1 if the buffer is not large
 enough, and * bufsize is set to the size required.  Note that
 _NSGetExecutablePath() will return "a path" to the executable not a "real
 path" to the executable.  That is, the path may be a symbolic link and
 not the real file. With deep directories the total bufsize needed could
 be more than MAXPATHLEN.
uint32_t len = sizeof(executablePath);
if (_NSGetExecutablePath(executablePath, &len) != 0)
    fprintf(stderr, "Buffer is not large enough to copy the executable path\n");

We then get the canonical path using realpath:

// Get the canonicalized absolute path
char *canonicalPath = realpath(executablePath, NULL);
if (canonicalPath != NULL)
    strlcpy(executablePath, canonicalPath, sizeof(executablePath));

Reading from disk

Reading from disk is done using fopen/fread:

// Open the executable file for reading
FILE *sourceFile = fopen(executablePath, "r");
if (sourceFile == NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not open executable path '%s'\n", executablePath);
// Read the source file and store it into a buffer
fseek(sourceFile, 0, SEEK_END);
long fileLen = ftell(sourceFile);
fseek(sourceFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
uint8_t *fileBuffer = (uint8_t *)calloc(fileLen, 1);
if (fileBuffer == NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not allocate buffer\n");
if (fread(fileBuffer, 1, fileLen, sourceFile) != fileLen)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not read the file '%s'\n", executablePath);

Finding the (__TEXT, __text) and (__DATA, __mod_init_func) sections

We already have the mach-o header. We need to loop through all segments and sections until we find the interesting sections:

// Loop through each section
size_t segmentOffset = sizeof(struct mach_header_64);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < machHeader->ncmds; i++)
    struct load_command *loadCommand = (struct load_command *)((uint8_t *) machHeader + segmentOffset);
    if(loadCommand->cmd == LC_SEGMENT_64)
        // Found a 64-bit segment
        struct segment_command_64 *segCommand = (struct segment_command_64 *) loadCommand;
        // For each section in the 64-bit segment
        void *sectionPtr = (void *)(segCommand + 1);
        for (uint32_t nsect = 0; nsect < segCommand->nsects; ++nsect)
            struct section_64 *section = (struct section_64 *)sectionPtr;
            fprintf(stderr, "Found the section (%s, %s)\n", section->segname, section->sectname);
            if (strncmp(segCommand->segname, SEG_TEXT, 16) == 0)
                if (strncmp(section->sectname, SECT_TEXT, 16) == 0)
                    // This is the (__TEXT, __text) section.
            else if (strncmp(segCommand->segname, SEG_DATA, 16) == 0)
                if (strncmp(section->sectname, "__mod_init_func", 16) == 0)
                    // This is the (__DATA, __mod_init_func) section.
            sectionPtr += sizeof(struct section_64);
    segmentOffset += loadCommand->cmdsize;

Dumping the decrypted (__TEXT, __text) section

We just use a simple memcpy to replace in the buffer the encrypted bytes by the decrypted bytes:

fprintf(stderr, "\t Save the unencrypted (%s, %s) section to the buffer\n", section->segname, section->sectname);
memcpy(fileBuffer + section->offset, (uint8_t *) machHeader + section->offset, section->size);

Removing the constructor function

We now have a decrypted binary. However if we launch it, its constructor function will be called and corrupt the (__TEXT, __text) section. We need to prevent the constructor function to be executed. There are several solutions and I chose to zero out the (__DATA, __mod_init_func) section. I kept the segname and sectname info so that MachOView can nicely display it.

fprintf(stderr, "\t Zero out the (%s, %s) section\n", section->segname, section->sectname);
size_t sectionOffset = sectionPtr - (void *)machHeader;
// Size of char sectname[16] + char segname[16]
size_t namesSize = 2 * 16 * sizeof(char);
// Zero out the section_64 but keep the sectname and segname
bzero(fileBuffer + sectionOffset + namesSize, sizeof(struct section_64) - namesSize);

Writing the decrypted binary to disk

The last step consists of writing the decrypted app to disk. This is done with fwrite:

// Create the output file
char destinationPath[PATH_MAX];
strlcpy(destinationPath, executablePath, sizeof(destinationPath));
strlcat(destinationPath, "_Decrypted", sizeof(destinationPath));
FILE *destinationFile = fopen(destinationPath, "w");
if (destinationFile == NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could create the output file '%s'\n", destinationPath);
// Save the data into the output file
if (fwrite(fileBuffer, 1, fileLen, destinationFile) != fileLen)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not write to the output file\n");

Log output

To run the CryptedHelloWorld app and inject our code:

DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=./DumpBinary.dylib ./CryptedHelloWorld

Here is the log output when running the CryptedHelloWorld:

*** Constructor called to decrypt sections
Found the section (__TEXT, __text)
Decrypting the (__TEXT, __text) section
Found the section (__TEXT, __stubs)
Found the section (__TEXT, __stub_helper)
Found the section (__TEXT, __timac)
Found the section (__TEXT, __cstring)
Found the section (__TEXT, __unwind_info)
Found the section (__DATA, __nl_symbol_ptr)
Found the section (__DATA, __got)
Found the section (__DATA, __la_symbol_ptr)
Found the section (__DATA, __mod_init_func)
Found the section (__DATA, __data)
Found the section (__DATA, __bss)
*** The sections should now be decrypted. main() will be called soon.
Hello, World!
*** DumpBinaryDestructor CALLED
Found main executable '/CryptedHelloWorld/DumpBinary/./CryptedHelloWorld'
Found absolute path: '/CryptedHelloWorld/DumpBinary/CryptedHelloWorld'
Found the section (__TEXT, __text)
     Save the unencrypted (__TEXT, __text) section to the buffer
Found the section (__TEXT, __stubs)
Found the section (__TEXT, __stub_helper)
Found the section (__TEXT, __timac)
Found the section (__TEXT, __cstring)
Found the section (__TEXT, __unwind_info)
Found the section (__DATA, __nl_symbol_ptr)
Found the section (__DATA, __got)
Found the section (__DATA, __la_symbol_ptr)
Found the section (__DATA, __mod_init_func)
     Zero out the (__DATA, __mod_init_func) section
Found the section (__DATA, __data)
Found the section (__DATA, __bss)
*** Decryption completed

Examining the decrypted app

Using MachOView, we see that the (__TEXT, __text) section is decrypted:

(__TEXT, __text)

We also see that the (__DATA, __mod_init_func) has been zeroed out:

(__DATA, __mod_init_func)

Limitations of the dynamic library

  • it only supports 64-bit intel Mach-O files. Adding 32-bit, ARM or fat Mach-O support is fairly simple and left to the reader.
  • it only dumps the (__TEXT, __text) section.
  • it zeroes out the (__DATA, __mod_init_func) section which would cause problems if there are multiple constructors.


The dynamic library source code can be downloaded here.

The precompiled dynamic library can be downloaded here.