Apple introduced in iOS 7.0.3 a setting to reduce motion ( ) : Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> Reduce Motion

Reduced Motion Setting

Sadly there is no public API to know if the user enabled “Reduce motion”.

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Here is how to get the value of this setting using a private API. Note that you should not use this code for applications submitted to the App Store.

#include <dlfcn.h>
+ (BOOL) reduceMotionEnabled
    BOOL (*_UIAccessibilityReduceMotionFunction)(void) = (BOOL (*)(void)) dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "_UIAccessibilityReduceMotion");
    if(_UIAccessibilityReduceMotionFunction != NULL)
        return _UIAccessibilityReduceMotionFunction();
        NSLog(@"Unsupported: _UIAccessibilityReduceMotion does not exist on this iOS version");
        return NO;

Edit: Apple added a public API on iOS 8:

// Returns whether the system preference for reduce motion is enabled
UIKIT_EXTERN BOOL UIAccessibilityIsReduceMotionEnabled() NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(8_0);