1. Embedded computers in aircrafts

    I am back from vacations and had a 11 hours flight with AirAustral. On board each seat has an embedded computer. With this computer, you can watch movies, play games, …
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  2. Automatic Backtraces

    Here are different solutions to display automatically a backtrace when entering a specific function in your application. As an example we will take the following program. It’s a really simple program: the main function calls the function function1 which prints a string.
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  3. getrlimit and randomness

    To determine the maximum number of files your application can open, there is a function getrlimit() available.
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  4. Finder – No Comment

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  5. ‘newMovieDontInteractWithUser’ flag

    Some QuickTime functions take a ‘short flags’ as parameter, for example NewMovieFromHandle or NewMovieFromDataRef:
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